Effective Spider Veins Treatment with Polidocanol Foam Sclerotherapy

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What is polidocanol?

What Is Polidocanol?
The team at Tinsley Surgical uses an advanced form of treatment called polidocanol foam (Asclera) sclerotherapy. This treatment works similarly to standard sclerotherapy but uses a sclerosant foam instead of a liquid.

Advantages of Foam Sclerotherapy
Foam sclerotherapy has several advantages over liquid sclerotherapy. The foam doesn’t mix with your blood, allowing it to work longer and more effectively. Additionally, the foam’s thickness enables the team to view your veins using ultrasound, enhancing treatment effectiveness.

Effective Spider Veins Treatment
If your spider veins bother you, visit Tinsley Surgical for a fast, effective treatment with polidocanol foam sclerotherapy.

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Risk factors for spider veins include:

In many cases, you can have laparoscopic surgery as an outpatient, going home the same day as your procedure.

Commonly asked questions about polidocanol:

Spider veins manifest as intricate networks of tiny red, blue, or purplish blood vessels on the skin. They are generally considered a cosmetic concern rather than a health risk. It’s important to note that the presence of spider veins increases the likelihood of developing varicose veins, larger and painful bulging veins in the legs.

Typically appearing on the face and legs, spider veins can impact one’s self-esteem. If you find these veins affecting you in this manner, rest assured that the skilled team at Tinsley Surgical offers effective treatments to eliminate them, providing specialized care to enhance both the health and appearance of your skin.

Find out more about the polidocanol treatments offered at Tinsley Surgical.