Lysis of Adhesions

What is lysis of adhesions?
Adhesions are pieces of scar tissue growing inside your body. They often result in organs sticking together and can cause organs and tissues to twist or move. Open surgeries and conditions like endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) are the most common causes of adhesions. Using laparoscopic surgery, the Tinsley Surgical team can remove adhesions, reducing your pain and discomfort.
Minimally invasive techniques like laparoscopy offer many advantages over open surgery, but you need an expert surgeon to ensure the best results. Ellis A. Tinsley, Jr., MD, FACS, FSVS, of Tinsley Surgical in Wilmington, North Carolina, is a double board-certified vascular surgeon who specializes in using advanced laparoscopic techniques to carry out a range of surgeries, some on an outpatient basis.
What are the advantages of using laparoscopy?
In many cases, you can have laparoscopic surgery as an outpatient, going home the same day as your procedure.
Commonly asked questions about Lysis of Adhesions:
Lysis of adhesions is a procedure aimed at breaking or cutting adhesions that may form between organs or tissues inside the body following trauma, surgical procedures, or inflammatory processes.