Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat spider veins and varicose veins. During sclerotherapy, a solution is injected into the affected veins causing them to collapse and eventually fade away. This procedure is known to be safe and effective. However, like any medical procedure, there are certain things that you need to avoid after sclerotherapy to ensure the best possible results. In this post, we’ll share some post-treatment tips that will help you avoid complications and ensure optimal healing.

Tips for a Quick Sclerotherapy Recovery

To ensure a quick and successful recovery, here are some important tips to follow after sclerotherapy treatment:

long sclerotherapy socks

Avoid strenuous exercise

One important precaution is to avoid strenuous physical activities for at least 48 hours after the procedure. Exercise increases blood flow to the veins, which could dilute the sclerosant solution and weaken its effectiveness. Therefore, running, weight lifting, jumping, or any other rigorous exercise should be avoided during this period.

However, light physical activity such as walking or stretching is permitted and can aid healing. It’s also recommended to wear compression stockings during this time to help the veins collapse and reduce swelling.

Avoid Sun Exposure, Tubs, and Heat

Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat spider veins or varicose veins. After the treatment, you may experience tenderness and sensitivity in the treated area. These conditions are normal and usually subside within a few days.

To ensure proper healing and to minimize the risk of complications, it’s essential to avoid exposing the treated area to heat for at least two weeks post-treatment. Heat can cause the veins to dilate, which can lead to increased pressure and blood flow in the treated area. This can cause discomfort, swelling, redness, or even the formation of blood clots.

Therefore, it’s important to avoid hot baths, saunas, and steam rooms during this period. Additionally, it’s advisable to avoid direct sun exposure, as it can also cause the veins to dilate. If you must go outside, wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants, and keep the treated area covered. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Don’t Take Blood Thinners or Aspirin

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat varicose veins and spider veins, which involves injecting a solution directly into the affected veins. It is important to prepare for this procedure beforehand by avoiding certain medications that may increase the risk of bleeding.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin or ibuprofen should be avoided, as they can thin your blood and increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure. If you are taking any other medications or have any underlying medical conditions, it is important to discuss them with your doctor before the procedure. Your doctor may advise you to stop taking certain medications temporarily or adjust your dosage to reduce the risk of complications during the procedure.

Wear Your Compression Stocking

After undergoing sclerotherapy, it is crucial to follow proper post-treatment care to ensure optimal healing and reduce the risk of complications. One of the most important items in your recovery from sclerotherapy is your compression stocking. 

Compression stockings are specially designed garments that provide graduated pressure on the legs. They work by exerting the most pressure at the ankle and gradually decreasing pressure as they move up the leg. This pressure helps to improve blood flow, prevent blood clots, and reduce swelling and discomfort.

Your doctor will prescribe the right compression stockings for you, depending on your specific needs and the severity of your condition. It is essential to wear them as directed, typically for several days or weeks after the procedure. You may be advised to wear them during the day and take them off at night, or to wear them continuously for the recommended period.

By wearing compression stockings after sclerotherapy, you can help ensure a smooth recovery and reduce the risk of complications. They are an essential part of post-treatment care, and following your doctor’s instructions is crucial for proper healing.

Drink Plenty of Water

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat varicose veins and spider veins. After the treatment, it is essential to follow certain guidelines to ensure optimal recovery. One of the most important things to do is to drink plenty of water to help flush out any remaining sclerosant solution from the body. This is important as the solution can cause irritation or inflammation, leading to complications. Drinking enough water can prevent such complications and promote quick healing.

Additionally, it is recommended to avoid consuming tobacco and alcohol for a few days after the treatment. These substances can constrict blood vessels, which can slow down the healing process. They can also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb the sclerosant solution and can cause further complications. By avoiding tobacco and alcohol, patients can ensure a smoother recovery and minimize the risk of complications.

Follow your doctor’s post-treatment instructions

Finally, it’s important to follow your doctor’s post-treatment instructions carefully. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for your legs after sclerotherapy, including how often to wear compression stockings, when to return for follow-up visits, and what to expect during the healing process. Make sure to ask any questions you may have and follow all instructions to ensure the best possible results.


Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment for spider veins and varicose veins. However, post-sclerotherapy care is just as important as the procedure itself. Following the tips mentioned above will help you avoid complications, achieve optimal results, and ensure good health. Remember that you should schedule a follow-up appointment with your vein specialist to ensure proper healing and to determine that no additional treatments are required.  A good post-treatment regimen can go a long way in helping you achieve the beautiful and healthy legs you desire.